Sunday, September 8, 2019

Short anwser Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Short anwser - Assignment Example 2. Consider the psychological consequences of stripping, delousing, and shaving the heads of prisoners or members of the military. What transformations take place when people go through an experience like this? When people go through experiences like this it makes them feel less than human because this kind of treatment is usually only metered out to animals. As a result of this people feel humiliated and that they are not special. Of course the purpose of this is to weaken self-confidence. The act of a push-up is not too hard to do for a man with average or above average strength, but after some time it does weaken the prisoners physically. This is an important form of punishment because the prisoners need to feel pain in order to make them submissive to the guards. Other forms of punishment, like psychological or emotional, work well but a physical aspect also needs to be included. If I was a prisoner in this situation then I would have behaved well because I would know that I would get the special treatment. This type of incentive always works well because it makes people think that if they just toe the line then everything will be okay. I would not be worried about prisoner solidarity because I would be in there for myself and other people can take care of their own interests. 5. Most prisoners believed that the subjects selected to be guards were chosen because they were bigger than those who were made prisoners, but actually, there was no difference in the average height of the two groups. What do you think caused this misperception? After many days of psychological and physical submission, the guards appeared to look bigger than they actually were. This is because they had power over the prisoners, and this gives the guards confidence that shows in their actions and mannerisms. Their behavior was the same in that most people have a natural respect

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