Friday, September 6, 2019

Overseas empire Essay Example for Free

Overseas empire Essay Suppression of the Muslim threat in North Africa was less successful though. The area was one of important economic and commercial advantage to Aragon and so seizure of large areas would have been of significance. Perhaps the key reason behind the policy though was the increasing Turkish influence in Naples and Sicily. Ferdinands failure came in an expensive garrisoning project, which held little authority and merely contained the problem. Perhaps the reason behind the lacklustre campaign was his preoccupation with Italy. In 1485 he successfully defended Naples from France and then the Holy Roman Empire. Despite careless disengaging of troops during the illness of Louis XII the policy in Italy was on the whole regarded as a success. Taking advantage of French involvement in the North, Ferdinand reclaimed Rousillon and Cerdagne. Then in 1512 following the death of Germaine de Foixs father, Ferdinand annexed Navarre. Isabellas fortuitous support of Christopher Columbus and hence the involvement in the New World had an increasingly significant impact on the economies of Castile and Aragon. Columbuss discovery opened new trade links and resources. In particular the trade of gold and slavery were of great economic benefit in future years. Furthermore Pope Alexander VI settled the rivalry with Portugal without conflict and expense with the division of the Americas. Isabellas piety determined that the extensive period of convivencia, which existed prior to her reign, would end. Since the pogrom of 1391 there had been sporadic anti-Semitic outbreaks largely born out of a resentment of rich Jewish families. For Isabella however the growing trend of conversos practising Judaism in private was of the greatest concern. Therefore in 1478 an Inquisition into conversos was established in Castile and then one in Aragon in 1481. As a result Jews became confined to ghettos and forced to wear yellow badges. Those suspected of heresy were put on trial and punished. In 1492 conversion was then made compulsory with emigration the only other alternative. Whilst only around 3% of the total population actually emigrated a significant social and economic impact was felt. The commercial welfare of the two Kingdoms was severely damaged and perhaps more crucially the policy disillusioned much of the wider population. The assessment of Isabella and Ferdinands social, economic, religious and foreign success reveals that the period in Spanish history is not as clear cut as contemporary chroniclers have suggested. They failed to curtail the nobility, failed in implementing economic growth and embarked on unwise foreign conquests. In saying this however they also achieved numerous successes such as securing the throne, conquering Granada and increasing the overseas empire.

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