Monday, September 23, 2019

Human Geography Oxford City Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Geography Oxford City - Essay Example Tourist and other visitors do their shopping at Covered Market; it is one among the several historic centers in Oxford. The tower has been locating in a strategic place in relation to the landscape of the land and the same applies to St. Mary's the Virgin University Church. The architectures of the time were very considerate in designing view points which are currently being used as centers of interest yet they were built hundred of years back. Below is an aerial view of High Street.Oxford City is ever green; the local government has worked hard to conserve the environment by designing nature walks and parks within the ring road. Nature reserves are over 28 in number both within the City and outside. Some of the major parks are South Parks, University Parks, Rock edge reserves, Shotover Reserve. These show how the citizens of the City together with the City governance have worked hard to maintain the natural environment. Any one tempting to tamper with the natural environment faces h igh charges to be a lesson to others. Here is a photo of the green City. In reference to human geography, Oxford city is a city that has considered it in a great way. The design of the City, as well as the activity that takes place within the City, are all admirable, it can critically be used by scholars to define the meaning of human geography because there are a couple of practical example to the subject. This branch of social science is complicated and without examples, it would be difficult for students to comprehend all it details.

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