Friday, October 4, 2019

Groups in High School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Groups in High School - Essay Example The gentlemen ask questions but only when necessary. They ask questions solely to clarify their concept. Whether or not the class pays attention to their question does not matter to them. All they want is clear concept from the teacher. They don’t tend to become prominent through speaking in the class or acting in the ways that are expected of the capable children. They are quite likely to be seen in spectacles. Most of them lose their eye-sight as a consequence of their obsession with studies. The gentlemen assume a higher status amongst the class fellows. They are idealized by the regulars and envied by the back benchers. The Regulars The regulars are seated in between the gentlemen and the back benchers. They make a bulk of the class and are the main source of income for the schools. They are the question raisers. They raise questions not because they are quite as interested in the lecture, but because they want to make their presence felt. Quite often, the regulars establi sh a gentleman as a benchmark and commit to themselves that they would beat that particular gentleman in the upcoming exam. Sometimes, the regular works hard enough to achieve this goal and thus, be promoted from the status of a regular to a gentleman. The regulars are generally quite vocal about their ambitions and challenges. If one regular establishes a gentleman as a benchmark, his friends would most likely know it. The regulars are all-rounders. They are not bad at studies but also not very good either. They have a wide array of topics to discuss with their friends on everyday basis. They are the first to know which movie is expected to release when and how much business would it do. They know what is going on in the national and international political scenario. In other words, their attention is diverted to so many areas at the same time that they are not able to do as good in studies as they are capable of doing. In a vast majority of cases, the regulars are more brilliant t han the gentleman, but they cannot help paying attention to activities other than studies. If they focus entirely upon their studies, they can do much better than most gentlemen. Many regulars are in this community because of their laziness. If they overcome their laziness, they are quite capable of becoming the gentlemen. The Back Benchers The back benchers are just as many as the gentlemen in the class. They occupy the rear-most seats in the class and are least enthusiastic about studies. They come to class just for the attendance. They bunk the classes yet make sure that they attend the classes just enough to have their case forwarded to the board for enrollment in the exam. The back benchers come into the classroom with earphones plugged in. They listen to the songs on MP3 while the lecture is on. Some of them sleep with their heads down on the table. They are artists. Most of them sleep in a way that you cannot catch them from a distance. They hold the book high in the hands to hide the face behind that. Somebody from a distance can take a back bencher for a gentleman. They are mostly found in the cafeteria with a cup of tea in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Their most favorite topic of discussion is girls. One back bencher consults the other for ways to make friends with girls. They discuss how they spent the weekend and the plans for the upcoming weekend. The back benchers

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